The GoSport project promotes good governance in sport through social responsibility.
Sport can play an important role in the fight against discrimination and the promotion of human rights, tolerance and social inclusion. It is therefore essential to reinforce capacities of sport organizations for the implementation of the socially responsible policy.
The GoSport project aims to foster social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport by improving good governance within sports organizations and by raising their awareness about social issues.
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Project goals
1. Reinforcing capacities and awareness of sport organizations about implementation of good governance and social responsibility of professional and semi-professional sport teams and clubs.
2. Facilitation of knowledge about the ways sport organizations interpret, manage and set priorities in regards to social responsibility, specifically in terms of fight agains violence, racism and discrimination and fostering social inclusion.
3. Improving knowledge about the influence of organizational management on social responsibility and how social responsibility is being communicated within organizations.
4. Providing tools to sport organization and professionals for better understanding of relations between organizations, their stakeholders and society and for implementation of socially responsible practices into organizational management.
5. Promoting principles of participation and inclusion in sport through social responsibility.
We have conducted studies on how sports organizations interpret, manage and prioritize matters of social responsibility issues and how social responsibility is being interpreted within sports organizations.
Based on research, we are developing a CSR guide and tools for sports organizations. These digital resources help raise awareness on the social responsibility and understanding of relations between sport organizations, its stakeholders and society and how social responsibility can be effectively integrated into the business strategies of sports organizations.
The tools are intended for training of professional, semi-professional and non-profit sports teams, clubs and academies.