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Social Innovation & Inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals (SociSDG)

The SociSDG project aims to raise awareness among adults, businesses and decision-makers about measuring and implementing the SDGs in business strategies, as well as the overall theme of sustainable development related to the SDGs.

The main objective of the project is to educate companies and other organisations on the importance of their impact on society and the importance of implementing the SDGs in their strategies.

We focused on the nine SDGs: No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth, Reducing inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities and Responsible production and consumption.

projekt SociSDG

Sustainable development goals

Ciljevi projekta

In order to contribute to raising awareness about the SDGs, we have created a handbook that provides information on all social sustainable development goals.

Current world trends require organisations, decision-makers and other stakeholders to understand their responsibility and the importance of sustainable development. There is a great need for more guidance, information, tools and training, especially when it comes to sustainable development goals and similar efforts to build sustainable, resilient and inclusive society.

The handbook on Sustainable Development Goals aims to increase awareness, knowledge and competences in relation to the nine sustainable development goals, their measurement and implementation in business strategies.

Want to know more?

We have recorded ten webinars and gathered best practice examples for all of you who want to learn more about SDGs and how to measure business impact of sustainable development.


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